Friday 4 September 2015

As we enter Pre-Production...

Hello wonderful, dedicated Severance followers!

As the summer draws to a close, we leave our development period behind and set off on a new adventure - preproduction! This is where a lot of the magic will begin to happen, and beginning on September 8th, we'll start to have plenty of news to share with you. From production meetings to scene practices, be sure to follow us here and all of our social media accounts for the latest on Severance.

But just because our development period is ending, doesn't mean there are still opportunities for you to get involved with fundraising or filmmaking! If you missed our indiegogo campaign (a big shout out to everyone who helped us spread the word and donated), there are still ways you can donate to the film. On every page of our site, we have a PayPal "donate now" button that you can use, or you can visit our apparel page to get yourself (or a friend!) something nice! And if you don't do any e-banking, you're more than welcome to contact any of the crew if you would prefer to donate or purchase apparel with either cash or cheque!*

Happy friday everyone, and have a safe, enjoyable long weekend!

*Cheques are to be made out to the Producer, Cassidy Johnson, for depositing purposes. 

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